Art Rock Show – The Other Side (Week 8)

De Britse rockgroep Nektar werd opgericht in 1969 in het Duitse Hamburg. Begin jaren tachtig werd het stil rond de groep. In 2001 werd Nektar door de vroegere oprichters nieuw leven ingeblazen. En dat met succes.
Zachary Nathanson van Echoes and Dust: “From classic albums ranging from A Tab in the Ocean, Remember the Future, Journey to the Centre of the Eye, and one of my favorites, Down To Earth. Nektar have kept their music growing for many, many years to come. After the loss of their original founder guitarist and vocalist Roye Albrighton who passed away in 2016, the band decided to call it a day. But then in 2018, they came back as “New Nektar” with the release of Megalomania.… Read more...