Art Rock Show – S.E.I. (Week 50)

Het is al een tijdje geleden dat de Italiaanse band La Maschera di Cera, een nieuw album uitbracht. Fabio Zuffanti is de drijvende kracht achter de band en iemand die muzikaal nooit stil zit.
Prog Archives review: “Rock Progressivo Italiano is my favourite prog rock genre and La Maschera Di Cera is my favourite RPI band. So when I have heard about this new album from them I was more excited than ever. And my expectation were highly rewarded. Although this new release is very different from their last release (Le Porte Del Domani) in terms of structure, SEI is equally good and rewarding.
There are only three songs but epic ones, regarding the lenght, the shorter one being 10 minutes long and the first is about 22 minutes long.… Read more...