Art Rock Show – Comma (Week 51)

Monobody is een instrumentele 5-koppige band uit Chicago dat subliem muzikaal vakmanschap, fantasierijke composities en groove-gedreven melodieën mixt om een geluid te creëren dat elementen van jazz, pop, math en progressieve rock bevat. Een hele mondvol dus…
Peter Mattenet Riva van Everything Is Noise: “Monobody has been consistently performing music that in order to describe it, myself as a listener would need a plethora of different tags, and still fall short. While ‘fusion’ as an umbrella term can mediocrely solve the conundrum, math and jazz rock are two defining elements that are extremely prominent in their work. But it’s not limited to that by any means, and as each record marked the progression of the band, it’s interesting and exciting to see how their approach to making music has shifted the balance between its key ingredients. … Read more...