Art Rock Show – Songs for Souls (Week 9)

Alberto Rigoni (°1981) is een Italiaanse bassist en componist, internationaal bekend als solo-artiest en als lid van de metalband BAD As, The Italians, Natural Born Machines, Lady & THE BASS en TwinSpirit.
Prog Archives review: “A new album for Mr Alberto Rigoni, bassist extraordinaire from Italy, so time for high quality music! This new musical extravaganza is the most mature, complete, complex and elaborate album so far for this brilliant musician! Just look at the names of the special guest stars invited on the album and you realize this one is truly a magnum opus for it’s author! (…)
This is the feeling that we have after we make an audition of this album! Maturity, sobriety, diversity, musical integrity and passion for this wonderful instrument called bass.… Read more...