Art Rock Show – Uomini Di Sabbia (Week 31)

Nathan is terug met een derde album, met als titel Uomini di Sabbia (Zandmannen). Afkomstig uit Savona (Italië) en geleid door Piergiorgio Abba (keyboards, akoestische gitaar) en Bruno Lugaro (zang) blijft de band trouw aan hun roots van de Italiaanse prog.
Jan Buddenberg van “Joining the composing duo of Abba and Lugaro, one now finds Giulio Smeraglivolo (guitars) and Luca Grosso (drums, except on Delerio Oniroco). Bass parts are now shared almost evenly between guests Fabio Zunino and Dino Cerruti. With Fabio Sanfilippo (drums) and Mauro Brunzu (bass) returning on the aforementioned Delerio Oniroco, this new album’s line up is complete.
The loosely bound theme on Uomini di Sabbia involves “the human being, his weaknesses and inability to contrast abuses”, with the longest suite on the album being specifically themed upon Big Brother and Utopian freedom.… Read more...