Art Rock Show – Cold Waves Divide Us (Week 19)

Door elementen uit de elektronica, postrock en alternatieve rock te combineren met progressieve en gotische ondertonen, heeft het Schotse duo Midas Fall een knap en boeiend geluid gecreëerd, waarbij strakke, glinsterende soundscapes worden gecreëerd onder inspiratie van de angstaanjagend melancholische zang van Elizabeth Heaton.
Sputnik Music review: “It’s a testament to the skill of Scottish trio Midas Fall that they were able to craft such a gripping record. For all 47 minutes, they sweep the listener up in post prog rock glory, a melancholic and dark journey that manages to both haunt and amaze at the exact same time. And if you’ll lend me your eyeballs and a couple minutes of your life, I’d be happy to explain exactly why this music is so gripping.
Cold Waves Divide Us can be described in one simple word: ethereal.… Read more...