Art Rock Show – Grey Origin (Week 42)

Inner Prospekt is de plaats waar de Italiaanse componist Alessandro Di Bendetti (Mad Crayon) zijn muzikale ideeën deelt zonder vast format of beperkingen. Het afgelopen jaar zijn Canvas One en Canvas Two uitgekomen, twee albums met heerlijk geïnspireerde progressieve rock waar The Samurai Of Prog een flinke stempel op drukt; niet verwonderlijk, want ook op hun albums staan verschillende nummers.
Jan Buddenberg van “With work on Canvas Three underway, involving several Samurai compositions written in the past year, Di Benedetti has also found time to compose the concept album Grey Inside. Written especially for the occasion, it’s a step away from the symphonic prog scene and glides elegantly into jazz-influenced, futuristic electronic music, with touches of ambient.
Loosely based on and inspired by drawings by artist Alex Troma, the instrumental narrative tells the story of a scientist who wants to transplant a human brain into a droid. Through trial and error loses sight of his aim, and in the process involuntarily gives birth to a new life form. The imagery of the 60s-inspired SF artwork illustrates the various stages of the story beautifully. Although Di Bendetti states that the songs are connected to each other in no particular order, to me the story is one of linear coherence. (…)
Overall, Grey Origin is a marvellous “in-between” record. Never once the need for lyrics is felt, as the talkative allurements of the music, visualised by the wonderful drawings, perfectly conveys the tale. Surrounded by masterly arrangements and showcasing sophistication through layered structures and skilled executions, it’s once again a splendid demonstration of Di Benedetti’s gift to capture one’s imagination.”
Naast Inner Prospekt met Grey Origin, Caligonaut (Magnified as Giants), Karfagen (Echoes From Within Dragon Island), Ciccada (The Finest of Miracles), The Emerald Dawn (Nocturne) & Resistor (Underground).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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