Art Rock Show – Life 3.0 (Week 10)

Na een onderbreking van zes jaar keert TNNE (The No Name Experience), de legendarische progrockband uit Luxemburg, terug met een prachtig nieuw album genaamd: Life 3.0. Martien Koole van Background Magazine: “It features six neo prog tracks with lots of melody, diversity and most of all very “dominating” guitar melodies and solos, which are played by newcomer Cedric Gilis.
Just listen to the excellent opening track The Net, with an awesome melodic guitar solo at the two minutes mark! By the way Life 3.0 is a concept album, based upon the science fiction novel City Of Golden Shadows by best selling sci-fi author Tad Williams. Dreaming Awake, the longest song of the album, is filled with extraordinary guitar passages and solos while the lead vocals of Patrick Kiefer are, sad but true, rather mediocre and kind of tiresome sometimes.
No Man’s Land opens with synths, keys, spoken lyrics and cinematic sounds and melodies, followed again by awesome guitar work and this one has obvious RPWL characteristics indeed. Behind The Mirror is melodic prog rock at its best and really gives me goosebumps due to the sublime guitar solo in the middle of the track (5:03 till 5:43); awesome indeed! This excellent melodic album ends with the instrumental Harvest which is again a showcase for guitar picker Gilis as he plays a David Gilmour-like solo her, beautiful and a very emotional ending.
Highly recommended for fans of melodic neo prog rock! Play it LOUD!!”
Naast TNNE met Life 3.0, Comedy of Errors (Time Machine), Huis (Neither in Heaven), Fish on Friday (An Initiation), Introitus (Anima) & Seven Steps to the Green Door (The Book).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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