Art Rock Show – Road to Planet Circus (Week 32)

Mad Fellaz is een Italiaanse band afkomstig uit Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), en werd in 2010 opgericht. De band heeft zijn wortels in de progressieve rock worden ook andere stijlen aangeboord zoals fusion, jazz, klassiek, metal, enzovoort.
Prog Archives review: “Without exaggeration I can say that Mad Fellaz from Italy are belonging to my favourite contemporary bands. This due to the offered sophisticated songwriting skills, either resulting in a rather complex eclectic attitude, however also being highly melodic and catchy in the same way. Also, what you can rely on, they are not repeating themselves with every new album.
All in all, on this occasion they are tending to the more accessible side, which is including proper Jazz, Pop and Funk imprints, However, hereby they never ever will completely leave the main orientation, the progressive rock paths. The band’s line up hasn’t significantly changed compared to their previous third album from 2019. And so the album sees a core of seven musicians this time, additionally supported by a bunch of guest appearances. That also includes excellent news, because lead singer Luca Brighi is involved again. His voice has evolved to a real trademark in the meanwhile, eh, I dare to say, just in the way it exemplarily was with David Longdon for Big Big Train. Where all the lyrics are in English language completely, as usual.
(…) This album offers eleven exciting new songs again, great vocal arrangements, skillfull instrumental presence. So much potential available regarding those Mad Fellaz, still!”
Naast Mad Fellaz met Road to Planet Circus, David Minasian (The Sound of Dreams), Not a Good Sign (Icebound), Different Light (The Burden of Paradise), Fish on Friday (Godspeed) & The Tangent (Le Sacre Du Travail).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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