Art Rock Show – The Dark Presence (Week 29)

The Blacksmith Tales is een Italiaans septet. Dit muzikale project begon in de jaren negentig toen multi-instrumentalist David Del Fabro het meeste materiaal voor piano schreef. Je krijgt een mooie mix van old School symfonische rock, prog metal en folk.
Prog Archives review: “My absolute highlight is the opener, the epic titletrack, close to 12 minutes. It starts atmospheric, including delicate sequencing, followed by a slow rhythm with distorted guitar and synthesizer flights. Then the mood changes to dreamy with tender piano and soaring strings, the English vocals are pleasant, I have no problem with the obvious accent. Gradually the music turns into more lush and compelling, culminating in a bombastic up-tempo with propulsive guitar riffs and awesome work on the Hammond, Minimoog and Mellotron (choir section), Old School keyboards rule, wow! In the end a heavy metal solo and a swinging rhythm with an exciting duel between a fat Minimoog and fiery guitar. (…)
The final composition Book Of Coming Forth By Day (8.27) is a strong goodbye, it showcases the huge potential of the band, and its dynamic and varied sound. The song starts with a fine blend of folk and classical featuring warm vocals, tender piano and twanging classical guitar. Then Heavy Prog rules with blistering guitar, swirling Hammond and fat Minimoog, topped with powerful vocals. Next the band returns to a mellow atmosphere with delicate piano work, but soon a heavy outburst follows, it sounds like ‘classical meets prog metal’ with howling and biting guitar, a thunderous rhythm-section, classical orchestrations and a Minimoog solo. Gradually the music turns into a slow rhythm with emotional vocals, a very compelling final part, the end of a varied, dynamic and exciting musical adventure, what a promising band, I highly recommend this album!”
Naast Blacksmith Tales met The Dark Presence, I Am the Manic Whale (Everything Beautiful in Time), Evership (Evership), Kyros (Celexa Dreams), Grand Tour (Heavy on the Beach) & Freedom to Glide (The Wait).
- Thursday/Donderdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Friday/Vrijdag 12.00 – 24.00
- Saturday/Zaterdag 12.00 – 24.00
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