Danny Bonte

Rock On! Wednesday, May 18 – Pink Floyd, Eloy, Jimi Hendrix, Nektar, Ahora Mazda

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Pink Floyd (Ummagumma), Eloy (Dawn), The Jimi Hendrix Experience (Axis: Bold as Love), Nektar (Remember the Future) & Ahora Mazda (Ahora Mazda).

De Engelse rockband Pink Floyd hoeven we aan u niet meer voor te stellen. De band onderscheidde zich door hun uitgebreide composities, sonische experimenten, filosofische teksten en fantastische liveshows. Ze werden een toonaangevende band van het progressieve rock genre, door sommigen aangehaald als de grootste progressieve rock band aller tijden.

Prog Archives review: “As a young man when I first heard “Ummagumma” I remember being totally freaked out and completely addicted to this double album. Years later it still represents one of my personal favourites from the discography of the Pink Floyd.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Alduorka (Week 19)

Het Noorse project Breidablik is sinds 2017 actief, en heeft in die vijf jaar één debuutalbum op haar actief. Alduorka is de meest recente productie van dit project, en kwam in februari op de markt.

Progmessor review: “It doesn’t take too many seconds before you get to grips with the type of music explored by this project. Progressive electronic music is the name of the game here, complete with sequencers and a wide array of keyboards and synthesizers. Perhaps more important, however, is the inclusion of bass, guitars and real drums to the proceedings. Which does add a bit more character to the material here. The greater majority of the compositions stay true to the electronic progressive idioms here however, with sequencers setting the pace and the synthesizer and keyboard sounds surging and fluctuating pretty much as you would expect them to do.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Pareidoliving (Week 18)

De in Duitsland geboren en gevestigde Thomas Thielen (Scythe) is de persoon achter een rits albums onder de projectnaam T. Thomas Thielen speelt heel wat instrumenten en staat bekend als een muzikale duizendpoot.

Prog Archives review: “It is an album which does take repeated listening, at least for me, as the style being used is not one to which I listen to a great deal, but the more this is played the more it is recognised that here is a work of some import as there is just so much in it, even though the arrangements often seem sparse. It could be the faint in the background guitar rise, or sound effects, or the way a keyboard dramatically comes out of nowhere, or the way the vocals can totally change their position within the layering.… Read more...

Rock On! Wednesday, May 4 – Cherry Five, Panna Fredda, Goblin, Festa Mobile, Murple & Perigeo

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Cherry Five (Cherry Five), Panna Fredda (Uno), Goblin (Roller), Festa Mobile (Diario Di Viaggio), Murple (Io Sono Murple) & Perigeo (Genealogia).

Cherry Five werd opgericht te Rome in 1973. Deze groep bestond uit Tony Tartarini (zang), Carlo Bordini (drums) en drie muzikanten die later Goblin oprichtten: Claudio Simonetti (toetsen), Massimo Morante (elektrische gitaar) en Fabio Pignatelli (bas). De muziek op het gelijknamige album van Cherry Five is erg Yes-georiënteerd (zoals Druid, England of Mirthrandir) maar de keyboards klinken een stuk virtuozer.

Prog Archives review: “This is one of those relatively unknown albums that you really need to check out if you’re into the classic Symphonic Prog sound.… Read more...