Art Rock Show – WiZRD – Elements (Week 9)

WIZRD is een Noorse rockband die moeiteloos genres mengt, van rock en indie tot jazz en prog. Op hun langverwachte tweede album Elements duikt WIZRD dieper in onbekende muzikale wateren en experimenteert met nieuwe stijlen, frisse melodische paden en zowel uitgebreide als gecondenseerde songstructuren, terwijl ze ook Noorse teksten introduceren.
The Elite Extremophile review: “WIZRD is a quartet featuring four veterans of Norway’s jazz scene. The band was formed while the members were at the Jazz Conservatory in Trondheim, and their origins as jazz musicians are evident in their playing. The music on Elements is energetic and fluid, and it’s clear the musicians are skilled at playing off one another. I really liked their 2022 debut, Seasons, and Elements is another strong addition to their discography.… Read more...