Art Rock Show – The Theory of Molecular Inheritance (Week 51)

In 1995 verraste het Britse Arena menig neo-prog liefhebber met hun debuutalbum Songs From The Lions Cage. Drie jaar later leverde de band hun volgens velen beste album The Visitor af. In 2020 verliet zanger Paul Manzi de band. Opvolger bleek Damian Wilson te zijn. Een prima keuze blijkt nu.

Fred Nieuwesteeg van Prog Wereld: “Het concept en de teksten komen weer van Clive Nolan. De pretentieuze titel van de elfde cd “The Theory Of Molecular Inheritance” is afgeleid van zijn idee dat moleculen van overleden mensen later in ander leven terugkomen en daar mogelijk weer en eigen leven gaan leiden. Dit blijkt in de natuurkunde bekend te staan als de theory of molecular inheritance. Voilà, we hebben de titel voor onze nieuwe cd!

De productie en de mix zijn weer het werk van Mitchell en hij is er in geslaagd het geheel stevig te laten klinken, zonder dat het overdreven zwaar overkomt.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – All the Pretty Days (Week 50)

Fren is een prog rockband uit Krakau en is actief sinds 2017. De band bestaat uit: Oskar Cenkier (toetsen), Michal Chalota (gitaar), Andrew Shamanov (bas), en Oleksii Fedoriv (drums).

Prog Archives review: “If you don’t know Fren is an instrumental progressive rock band from Poland, and so far they released only 2 albums and 2 EPs. They have an aesthetic that is interesting and cryptic, but strangely pretty in some shape or form. 2 years ago they released their first LP Where Do You Want Ghosts to Reside, and this year on the 8th of October they released their sophomore album All The Pretty Days, and this release surprised me when I first heard it.

It was so beautifully done yet strange that I both immediately planned to make a review for it, whilst also knocking my head around what to say about this wonderful album.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Apocalypse Now (Week 49)

De Romeinse rockband RanestRane maakt indruk door haar “CineConcerts” of live optredens gebaseerd op filmmuziek.

Prog Archives review: “The band Ranestrane is consisting of experienced musicians who are residing in Roma, Italy. They are well known for the preference to produce concept albums, and hereby being obviously specialized in picking up diverse film classics. Thus this one is drawing references to the US crime taking place in Vietnam during the last century. (…)

Constant band members are Riccardo Romano (keyboards), currently also underway on solo paths with a new appealing album, Massimo Pomo (guitars) and Maurizio Meo (bass). Finally also drummer Daniele Pomo, who, you’ll find this a rather rare case, also provides the lead vocals. And so Saigon appears to be a wonderful opener, where his voice is backed by melancholic piano lines or sensitive guitar presence.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Banefyre (Week 48)

Het nieuwste album van Crippled Black Phoenix, al bijna twee decennia het vehikel van Justin Greaves, is opnieuw een magisch vormgegeven 97 minuten muziek van het Engelse collectief. Het volgt op Ellengæst uit 2020, een album waarop de band verschillende gastmuzikanten in z’n gelederen opnam.

Paul Hutchings van The Razor’s Edge: “The 12th album by the band, it provides another insight into the workings of a band so revered within the UK that most people are completely oblivious to their mere existence. This time Greaves and co use ‘Banefyre’ as a central piece to focus on the persecution of those who are different in society. A play on words, ‘Banefyre’ is an old translation of Bonfire, those witches and politicians who were burnt alive in the 15th and 18th century.… Read more...