Rock On! Wednesday, 1 June – Yes, Rainbow, Barclay James Harvest, U.K., Journey & Kaipa

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Yes (Close to the Edge), Rainbow (Rising), Barclay James Harvest (Everyone Is Everybody Else), U.K. (U.K.), Journey (Infinity) & Kaipa (Inget Nytt Under Solen).

Deze Rock On stellen we het album Close to the Edge van de Britse progressieve rockband Yes aan u voor. De plaat is de 5de voor Yes en en dateert van 1972! Close to the Edge was het eerste van een aantal Yes-albums met een kenmerkende opbouw: een lang en episch werk, aangevuld met kortere en soms strakker opgebouwde songs. Dezelfde structuur volgde op de latere albums Relayer (1974) en Going for the One (1977).

Ultimate Classic Rock review: “Despite its age, the music itself remains timeless.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Grey White Silver Yellow and Gold (Week 21)

Karcius is een Canadese groep die gevormd werd rond de eeuwwisseling en vernieuwing brengt in het genre van de progressieve rock.

Prog Archives review: “Fruity prog rock that I name, surprising and diversified music with a measured dose of improvisation; instrumental at the start, evolution with the heavy prog vocal contribution of Sylvain from 2012 for a singular melting pot; a heavy, ponderous, powerful sound, almost grunge at times, delicate at other times; which sends me back to naming also the Riverside and the last Leprous albums. In short, Karcius is a singular and inventive group concept, intimate, nervous and bewildering, so let’s slip into their latest baby. (…)

Karcius has just released the album of the month, in this rather sad beginning of the year; a captivating sound, seeking its imprint on old basic sounds, rehashing certain others to release raw current notes, prog metal in tune with the times, standing out from its jazzy spirit to give the current prog between alternative and crossover; Karcius invites us to reflect on the direction of his music in today’s world and demonstrates that prog is dead; that it has transformed, mutated into this unique sound that Porcupine Tree opened up in its time, a clean sound with reminiscences; the loop is closed, rock has indeed given birth to this timeless progressive movement where rhythm, atmospheric images, fruity colors, emotions and riffs plunge into their unique, disorienting sound, with great art.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – The Murder Wall (Week 20)

Kaprekar’s Constant is het geesteskind van jeugdvrienden, songwriters en multi-instrumentalisten Al Nicholson en Nick Jefferson. De band bestaat ook nog uit: Van Der Graaf saxofonist David Jackson, toetsenman Mike Westergaard, zangeres Dorie Jackson, Bill Jefferson & Caravan drummer Mark Walker.

Richard Swan van The Progressive Aspect: “This has to be my most hotly anticipated album for 2022, following Kaprekar’s Constant’s exceptional musical work of art Depth of Field in 2019. Already fêted as a band that composes “epoch-making masterpiece(s) … that could have been an offspring of Genesis in 1976”, Kaprekar’s Constant have set themselves an exceptionally high bar, particularly having been previously nominated as Best Newcomer in the illustrious Prog Magazine. Have they achieved it again with this year’s The Murder Wall? They sure have!… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Alduorka (Week 19)

Het Noorse project Breidablik is sinds 2017 actief, en heeft in die vijf jaar één debuutalbum op haar actief. Alduorka is de meest recente productie van dit project, en kwam in februari op de markt.

Progmessor review: “It doesn’t take too many seconds before you get to grips with the type of music explored by this project. Progressive electronic music is the name of the game here, complete with sequencers and a wide array of keyboards and synthesizers. Perhaps more important, however, is the inclusion of bass, guitars and real drums to the proceedings. Which does add a bit more character to the material here. The greater majority of the compositions stay true to the electronic progressive idioms here however, with sequencers setting the pace and the synthesizer and keyboard sounds surging and fluctuating pretty much as you would expect them to do.… Read more...