Art Rock Show – The Dark Presence (Week 29)

The Blacksmith Tales is een Italiaans septet. Dit muzikale project begon in de jaren negentig toen multi-instrumentalist David Del Fabro het meeste materiaal voor piano schreef. Je krijgt een mooie mix van old School symfonische rock, prog metal en folk.
Prog Archives review: “My absolute highlight is the opener, the epic titletrack, close to 12 minutes. It starts atmospheric, including delicate sequencing, followed by a slow rhythm with distorted guitar and synthesizer flights. Then the mood changes to dreamy with tender piano and soaring strings, the English vocals are pleasant, I have no problem with the obvious accent. Gradually the music turns into more lush and compelling, culminating in a bombastic up-tempo with propulsive guitar riffs and awesome work on the Hammond, Minimoog and Mellotron (choir section), Old School keyboards rule, wow!… Read more...