Art Rock Show – One to Zero (Week 25)

Zes jaar na Home komt de Hamburgse neo-prog groep Sylvan met nieuw studio-album, getiteld One To Zero. Het gaat om een conceptalbum en de muziek is, zoals altijd, moderne prog van de bovenste plank.
Magnus Moar van The Progressive Aspect (TPA): “Six years is the longest wait fans have had between albums, but, given that Sylvan have a resume filled with magnificent recordings, one would expect the wait to have been worth it. Happily, One To Zero does not disappoint. The band’s previous two releases, Sceneries and Home, are amongst my all-time favourite albums, but it’s fair to say that they both require time and patience for the listener to fully appreciate all of the different layers and textures. One to Zero is a more immediate affair.… Read more...