Art Rock Show – Cold Coming (Week 44)

De in Chicago gevestigde Amerikaanse band Zip Tang werd opgericht in 2003. Perry Merritt en Richard Wolfe vonden elkaar tijdens een lokale jamsessie. De groep onderging wel verschillende wissels.
Prog Archives review: “f you’re looking for entertaining progressive rock music, Chicago’s ZIP TANG are a recommended choice indeed. Definitely experienced, since this will be album number six in the meanwhile, wow. Although, after all, their first concept album on the other side. ‘She Sleeps Beneath The Fullerton Bridge’ advises the cover illustration, provided yet again in a somewhat surreal, collage-like layout. Hence this is dealing with ‘the journey of a girl from the near west side of Chicago, born of a mother of no means, in dire straits and with little hope of making it out of her circumstance’, like the band sums it up.… Read more...