Art Rock Show – Senpai III (Week 5)
Deze week stellen we Sithu Aye aan u voor. Hij is een Schots-Birmese gitarist, muzikant en producer uit Schotland. Sinds 2011 heeft hij niet minder dan vijf volledige albums en zes EP’s uitgebracht.
The Prog Mind review: “Sithu has that knack for purposeful guitar licks that I hear in Plini’s music, and in many up and coming bands. This means that he thinks a lot about his riffs and licks, and nothing feels sloppy or like filler. Overall, his music, to me, sounds “gracious”, though I’m not exactly sure what I mean by that. I can detect that smooth and inspired tone, and he’s had it in spades from the very first album. In fact, I first came across his work when he opened for Haken in the US a few years ago, and I was immediately impressed not only by his skill, but also by his humility.… Read more...