Rock On! Wednesday, February 22, 2023 – Led Zeppelin, The Who, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple & Cream

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday January 25th. Dan’s pick of the week: Led Zeppelin (Physical Graffiti), The Who (Who’s Next), Black Sabbath (Vol. 4), Deep Purple (Burn) & Cream (Goodbye).

Jeffrey van ”

Om de release in de tijdsgeest te plaatsen: de legendarische rockband was in 1975 immens populair. Stadions liepen vol en de albums vlogen over de toonbank. De zesde full-length bereikte net als de andere platen de multiplatinumstatus. Toen de nieuwe release in de hitlijst belandde, kwamen ook alle andere vijf albums weer in de charts terug.

De rocksensatie besloot een dubbel-lp van Physical Graffiti te maken (net als andere artiesten rond die tijd) toen de acht songs, die in eerste instantie de tracklist vormden, de maximale speeltijd voor een plaat overschreden. … Read more...

Rock On! Wednesday, February 8, 2023 – Birth Control, Guru Guru, Lucifer’s Friend, Pavlov’s Dog & Frumpy

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday January 25th. Dan’s pick of the week: Birth Control (Operation), Guru Guru (Guru Guru), Lucifer’s Friend (Where the Groupies Killed the Blues), Pavlov’s Dog (Pampered Menial) & Frumpy (Frumpy Live).

Birth Control is een Duitse krautrockband, wiens grootste succes het nummer Gamma Ray uit 1972 is. Lange stukken en solo-intermezzo’s van de individuele instrumenten, met name de drumsolo’s, zijn kenmerkend voor haar muziek.

Victor Guimarães van Tomymostalas: “Recorded in 1971, Operation is Birth Control’s second studio album, and it brought more of the good old progressive rock from the 70s. It originally consisted of six tracks, but when it was re-released in 1997, five more tracks from related singles were added.… Read more...

ROCK ON! *** Top Topham R.I.P. [Ascension Heights, full album], Fleetwood Mac [Then Play On], Ten Years After [Rock & Roll  to the World + Alvin Lee and Company], Jellyroll, Hardin & York, Skydog, The Flower Travellin’ Band *** Wednesday 01 February 2023 *** [Ed’s Show, 2023-03, no. 70]

ROCK ON! NEW: Top Topham R.I.P. [Ascension Heights, full album], Fleetwood Mac [Then Play On], Ten Years After [Rock & Roll  to the World + Alvin Lee and Company], Jellyroll, Hardin & York, Skydog, The Flower Travellin’ Band *** REPEATED: *** Jeff Beck (R.I.P.), Man [new release], The Walker Brothers, The New Seekers [new release], Sandie Shaw, The Shoes, Manfred Mann’s Earth Band  *** Wednesday 01 February 2023, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (no. 709, 2023-03) *** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***




Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200  Top Topham, TYA, Jellyroll
  • 14.00 Man, Jeff Beck (RIP), Sandie Shaw
  • 16.00 Top Topham, TYA, Jellyroll
  • 18.00 Jeff Beck (RIP), Sandie Shaw
  • 20.00 Top Topham, TYA, Jellyroll
  • 22.00  Jeff Beck (RIP), Sandie Shaw
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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Rock On! Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – Patto, Family, Atomic Rooster, Man, Cressida & Curved Air

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday January 25th. Dan’s pick of the week: Patto (Hold Your Fire), Family (Bandstand), Atomic Rooster (In Hearing Of), Man (Be Good to Yourself at Least Once a Day), Cressida (Cressida) & Curved Air (Live).

Met drie uitgebrachte albums stond de Britse rockband Patto hoog aangeschreven in de Britse rockscene tijdens de jaren zeventig. Patto bracht een mooie mix van jazzrock met een vleugje blues.

Prog Archives review: “Hold Your Fire, Patto’s second album is not a radical departure from the style of the first one but it does have a bit more finesse and not such a bare exposing warts and all production. There is more complexity but it’s still the powerful mix of rock and jazz they blended so successfully on that previous album.… Read more...