Rock On! Wednesday, 16 November 2022 – Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Egg, Flash, The Nice, Klaatu & Ekseption

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday November 16th. Dan’s pick of the week: Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Emerson, Lake & Palmer), Egg (Egg), Flash (In the Can), The Nice (Nice), Klaatu (Hope) & Ekseption (Beggar Julia’s Time Trip).

De plaat Emerson, Lake & Palmer hebben we het debuut van een van de eerste zogenaamde supergroepen uit de geschiedenis van de progressieve rock. Keith Emerson speelde in The Nice en Greg Lake in King Crimson, toen ze elkaar in 1969 ontmoetten in Fillmore West, waar hun beider bands zouden optreden. Toen ze samen een soundcheck deden ‘klikte’ het muzikaal gezien meteen. Drummer van dienst werd de 20-jarige Carl Palmer, die eerder in Atomic Rooster en in The Crazy World of Arthur Brown speelde.… Read more...

ROCK ON ! Innovating Sounds Spanning the 60s and the 70s *** Wednesday 9 November 2022 *** Rod Stewart [An Old Raincoat Won’t Ever Let You Down – entire LP], Steamhammer, Nektar, Roxy Music, King Crimson, Peter Sinfield, ELO, Badger *** [Ed’s Show, no. 64, 2022-23]

ROCK ON! NEW: Rod Stewart [An Old Raincoat Won’t Ever Let You Down – entire LP], Steamhammer, Nektar, Roxy Music, King Crimson, Peter Sinfield, ELO, Badger *** REPEATED: *** The Edgar Broughton Band [Sing Brother, Sing], Neil Diamond [Sweet Caroline], Neil Young [Harvest], Humble Pie [Smokin’], The Mr. Albert Show [Warm Motor], John Renbourn [Faro Annie], T. Rex [The Slider], José Feliciano *** Wednesday 09 November 2022, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (no. 64, 2022-23,) *** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***




Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200 Rod Stewart, Winds Of Change, Nektar
  • 14.00 Edgar Broughton, Mr Albert Show, Neil Young
  • 16.00 Rod Stewart, Winds Of Change, Nektar
  • 18.00 Edgar Broughton, Mr Albert Show, Neil Young
  • 20.00 Rod Stewart, Winds Of Change, Nektar
  • 22.00 Edgar Broughton, Mr Albert Show, Neil Young
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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Rock On! Wednesday, 2 November – Nucleus, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report, National Health & Return to Forever

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Nucleus (We’ll Talk About It Later), The Mahavishnu Orchestra With John Mclaughlin (The Inner Mounting Flame), Weather Report (Weather Report), National Health (National Health) & Return to Forever (RtF Live).

We’ll Talk About It Later is een album uit 1971 van de Britse jazzfusionband Nucleus. Het is het tweede album van de groep. De hoes van de plaat werd opnieuw ontworpen door Roger Dean.

Prog Archives review: “Unbelievably good! It’s probably my favourite album of the whole fussion genre. I love Soft Machine, Mahavishnu is very good obviously, Weather Report too and of course Miles and Herbie are both titans, but this Nucleus is something special.… Read more...

ROCK ON! Innovating 60s & 70s Sounds *** The Edgar Broughton Band [Sing Brother, Sing], Neil Diamond [Sweet Caroline], Neil Young [Harvest], Humble Pie [Smokin’], The Mr. Albert Show [Warm Motor], John Renbourn [Faro Annie], T. Rex [The Slider], José Feliciano *** Wednesday 26 October 2022 *** [Ed’s Show, no. 63, 2022]

ROCK ON! NEW: The Edgar Broughton Band [Sing Brother, Sing], Neil Diamond [Sweet Caroline], Neil Young [Harvest], Humble Pie [Smokin’], The Mr. Albert Show [Warm Motor], John Renbourn [Faro Annie], T. Rex [The Slider], José Feliciano *** REPEATED: Julie Driscoll [new release], Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel, Shawn Phillips, Geordie, A Fleeting Glance, Shotgun Ltd., Analogy (IT) *** Wednesday 26  October 2022, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (no. 63, 2022-22,) *** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***




Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200 Edgar Broughton, Mr Albert Show, Neil Young
  • 14.00 Julie Driscoll, Georgie, Steve Harley
  • 16.00 Edgar Broughton, Mr Albert Show, Neil Young
  • 18.00 Julie Driscoll, Georgie, Steve Harley
  • 20.00 Edgar Broughton, Mr Albert Show, Neil Young
  • 22.00 Julie Driscoll, Georgie, Steve Harley
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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