Rock On! Wednesday, 21 September – Deep Purple, Wishbone Ash, Uriah Heep, Rainbow, Black Sabbath & Budgie

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Deep Purple (Deep Purple in Rock), Wishbone Ash (Pilgrimage), Uriah Heep (Look at Yourself), Rainbow (Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow), Black Sabbath (Sabbath Bloody Sabbath) & Budgie (Budgie).

Deep Purple in Rock is het vierde studio-album van de Britse hardrockband Deep Purple, het eerste in de meest succesvolle samenstelling. De opnames van deze LP vonden plaats in drie studio’s: De Lane Lea Studios, Abbey Road Studios en in de IBC-studio. Het album werd een enorm succes, met ondermeer de tijdloze hit Child in Time.

Laureline Tilkin van Tuonela Magazine: “Formed in 1968, DEEP PURPLE originally was formed as a psychedelic and progressive rock band in Hertfordshire.… Read more...

ROCK ON! *** The Web [Fully Interlocked], Jefferson Airplane [Bark], Mungo Jerry [As, Bs, EPs], Stephen Stills Manassas, The Spencer Davis Group [Gluggo], Stone The Crows, Strawberry Alarm Clock *** Wednesday 13 September 2022 *** Ed’s Show, 2022-

ROCK ON! NEW: The Web [Fully Interlocked], Jefferson Airplane [Bark], Mungo Jerry [As, Bs, EPs], Stephen Stills Manassas, The Spencer Davis Group [Gluggo], Stone The Crows, Strawberry Alarm Clock  *** REPEATED: Stray [Suicide, Saturday Morning Pictures], Russ Ballard [1975], Mike Heron [Smiling Men], Hatfield & The North [1974], UFO, Honeybus [Recital], V.A. Before the Day Is Done ***  Wednesday 13 September 2022, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (no. 60, 2022-19 =2021_17) *** *** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***



Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200 The Web, Mungo Jerry, Stephen Stills
  • 14.00 Stray, Russ Ballard, Hatfield & North
  • 16.00 The Web, Mungo Jerry, Stephen Stills
  • 18.00 Stray, Russ Ballard, Hatfield & North
  • 20.00 The Web, Mungo Jerry, Stephen Stills
  • 22.00 Stray, Russ Ballard, Hatfield & North
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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Rock On! Wednesday, 7 September – Santana, Jeff Beck, Traffic, Humble Pie & Chicago

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Santana (Welcame), Jeff Beck (Blow by Blow), Traffic (Traffic), Humble Pie (Rock On) & Chicago (Live in Japan).

Santana is een rockband die eind jaren zestig is opgericht door Carlos Santana; gitarist, naamgever en de enige constante factor in alle samenstellingen die deze band heeft gekend.

Eric de Boer van “Na de successen van Caravanserai en het spirituele project dat Carlos Santana in het begin van de zeventiger jaren samen met John McLaughlin uitbracht, was het tijd voor vernieuwing. Welcome zag in 1973 het levenslicht en liet een vernieuwd Santana horen. (…)

Natuurlijk hebben de negen tracks op het album –dat werd opgenomen van april tot juni 1973- veel invloeden meegekregen van zowel Caravanserai en het projectalbum Love Devotion Surrender.… Read more...

Rock On! Innovating Sounds Spanning the 60s and 70s *** Stray [Suicide, Saturday Morning Pictures], Russ Ballard [1975], Mike Heron [Smiling Men], Hatfield & The North [1974], UFO, Honeybus [Recital], V.A. Before the Day Is Done *** Wednesday 31 August 2022 *** [Ed’s Show no. 59, 2022_18]

ROCK ON! NEW:  Stray [Suicide, Saturday Morning Pictures], Russ Ballard [1975], Mike Heron [Smiling Men], Hatfield & The North [1974], UFO, Honeybus [Recital], V.A. Before the Day Is Done *** REPEATED: Seatrain [new 2CD release], The Blues Project [Live At Town Hall], Blood Sweat & Tears [Child Is Father to the Man], Al Kooper [I Stand Alone], Tommy Flanders [Moonstone], Earth Opera [The Great American Eagle Tragedy] ***  Wednesday 31 August 2022, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (no. 59, 2022-18) ***

*** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***




Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200 Stray, Russ Ballard, Hatfield & North
  • 14.00 Seatrain, Blues Project, Earth Opera
  • 16.00 Stray, Russ Ballard, Hatfield & North
  • 18.00 Seatrain, Blues Project, Earth Opera
  • 20.00 Stray, Russ Ballard, Hatfield & North
  • 22.00 Seatrain, Blues Project, Earth Opera
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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