ROCK ON! Innovating Sounds Spanning the 60s & 70s *** Underground Scene in Barcelona with Sisa, Pau Riba, Máquina, Música Dispersa + Greenslade, White Plains aka Crucible, Man *** Wednesday 03 November 2021 *** [Ed’s Show, no. 2021-21, no.37]

ROCK ON! Underground Scene in Barcelona with Sisa, Pau Riba, Máquina, Música Dispersa + Greenslade, White Plains aka Crucible, Man  *** Repeated: Slade [Alive!, entire album], Ron Wood [I’ve Got My Own Album To Do], East of Eden [singles], Kaz Lux, Randy Newman ***  Wednesday 03 November 2021, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (2021-21, no. 37) ***

*** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***





Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200 Barcelona Underground, White Plains, Greenslade 
  • 14.00 Slade, Ron Wood, East of Eden, Kaz Lux  
  • 16.00 Barcelona Underground, White Plains, Greenslade 
  • 18.00 Slade, Ron Wood, East of Eden,  Kaz Lux  
  • 20.00  Barcelona Underground, White Plains, Greenslade
  • 22.00 Slade, Ron Wood, East of Eden,  Kaz Lux  
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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Rock On! Wednesday, 27 Ocotber – Mcdonald and Giles, Peter Sinfield, Gracious, Yezda Urfa & Maxophone

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Mcdonald and Giles (Mcdonald and Giles), Peter Sinfield (Stillusion), Gracious (Gracious!), Yezda Urfa (Boris) & Maxophone (Maxophone).

Na hun vertrek uit King Crimson na afloop van de eerste Noord-Amerikaanse tournee van de band in 1969, vormden multi-instrumentalist Ian McDonald en drummer extraordinaire Michael Giles korte tijd hun eigen band, met de toepasselijke naam McDonald and Giles.

Connor Mullin van Progarchy: “McDonald and Giles proved that they were no slouches themselves when it came to musical talent. Giles, of course, had already established himself as one of the finest drummers of his day for his frenetic yet polished performance on 21st Century Schizoid Man.… Read more...

ROCK ON! Radio bridging the 60s and the 70s *** Slade [Alive!, entire album], Ron Wood [I’ve Got My Own Album To Do], East of Eden [singles], Kaz Lux, Randy Newman *** Wednesday 20 October 2021 *** [Ed’s Show, 2021-20]

ROCK ON! Slade [Alive!, entire album], Ron Wood [I’ve Got My Own Album To Do], East of Eden [singles], Kaz Lux, Randy Newman *** Repeated: Aorta and Friends: [Aorta, 1969], Fine Wine [1976], New Colony Six [Attacking A Strawman, 1969], The Rotary Connection [Peace, 1968], Moby Grape [Wow, 1968], Lovecraft [Valley of the Moon, 1970]  ***  Wednesday 20 October 2021, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (2021-20, no. 36 =202009) ***

*** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***



Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

  • 1200 Slade, Ron Wood, East of Eden
  • 14.00 Aorta, Fine Wine, Lovecraft, New Colony Six
  • 16.00 Slade, Ron Wood, East of Eden
  • 18.00 Aorta, Fine Wine, Lovecraft, New Colony Six
  • 20.00 Slade, Ron Wood, East of Eden
  • 22.00  Aorta, Fine Wine, Lovecraft, New Colony Six
  • 24.00  Show Ends Here

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Rock On! Wednesday, 13 October – Catapilla, Tonton Macoute, Bodkin, May Blitz, Writing On The Wall & Uriah Heep

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Catapilla (Catapilla), Tonton Macoute (Tonton Macoute), Bodkin (Bodkin), May Blitz (May Blitz), Writing On The Wall (Power Of The Picts) & Uriah Heep (Uriah Heep Live).

Catapilla was een Engelse progressieve rockband die actief was in het begin van de jaren 1970. Ze brachten twee albums uit op het grote platenlabel Vertigo Records.

Prog Archives review: “Oh dear. I’ve been listening to progressive rock for more than 15 years and I was wondering if there were some hidden gems… and I’ve found one ! Thanks to Progarchives ! Catapilla’s first and second (review coming) are definitely classics and might I say “masterpieces” ?… Read more...