Eight years ago today * Acht jaar geleden

Eight ears ago today, Radio 68 broadcast its very first show.
THANKS TO ALL THE LISTENERS, ARTISTS, VENUES, MANAGEMENTS, PROMOTERS, AGENTS, DISTRIBUTORS & RECORD COMPANIES for supporting FREE internet radio. We DO NOT accept ads, publicity, sponsoring or subsidies. We DO pay artists’ copyrights.
Het is vandaag precies acht jaar geleden dat Radio 68 zijn eerste show uitzond.
BEDANKT, luisteraars, distributeurs, platenmaatschappijen, managers, promotoren, zaalhouders en artiesten (!) om ons te steunen. Wij staan voor GRATIS en VRIJE internetradio. Wij betalen auteursrechte aan Sabam. Wij aanvaarden géén sponsoring, subsidies, advertenties of reclame.
Our first public broadcast was on 13 February 2012 and total broadcasting time was 24 hours/week for two shows: 1) Dan’s Art Rock & Prog Rock and 2) Ed’s My Generation, including Sixties Rave, The Rolling Stones Circus and Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij, incl. poetry.
On 2 January 2013, Radio 68 started to broadcast seven days a week, doubling its schedule to 48 hours. Eventually, The Rolling Stones Circus was dropped.
In November 2013, the two-weekly Dutch poetry show “Dichters in de lucht” was added (but still under the heading “Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij”) .
On 15 January 2014, “Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij”‘ became a separate show broadcast on Wednesdays under the title “Woord op Woensdag / Word on Wednesday”.
On 8 January 2015, Radio 68 underwent a make-over: a new look, improved technical features, more permanent information on the website and an extra 24 broadcasting hours, now totalling 72 hours/week. The shows were diversified, re-arranged and rescheduled to four shows: Art Rock & Prog Rock by Dan; My Generation (including ‘Blueside’), Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij, and Dichters in de Lucht, by Ed.
In September 2017, both “Dichters in de Lucht” and “Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij” stopped. Instead, Ed launched “Langspeeltijd – Long-playtime” on Mondays and Wednesdays. From that date onwards, both My Generation (incl. Blueside) and “Langspeeltijd – Long-playtime” include Word, Poetry and Free Speech. Radio 68 now broadcast three shows (see above), totalling 72 hours/week.
On 1 Jan. 2020, we added another 24 hours to our package (= 96 hours/week).
Danny & Eddy Bonte
Daniel Smith ,
Hoi, Als jullie willen mijn albums ik zal ze stuuren en MP3 of WAV.
Geef mij een email adres!
Heel veel brdankt.
Daniel Smith