Art Rock Show – Anubis – The Unforgivable (Week 51 & 52)

Anubis is een zeskoppige band afkomstig uit Australië die aangenaam in het oor liggende neo-prog muziek maakt. Vaak zijn dit songs die tien minuten en langer duren. De band heeft tot nu toe 7 studioplaten uitgebracht en 3 live-albums.
The Progressive Aspect (TPA) review: “I’m delighted to report that The Unforgivable still gives that neo-prog kick that fans will be used to, albeit in a more streamlined form. The album features ten shorter tracks that make up its 46-minute runtime. The downside is that this leads to fewer standout tracks and definitely nothing to compare with The Holy Innocent, but the upside is that the whole album becomes an epic itself; there are no gaps between the songs so one could treat this as a long suite of music.… Read more...