Rock On! Wednesday, 21 December – Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report, Jean-Luc Ponty, Soft Machine, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso & John Scofield

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Mahavishnu Orchestra (Birds of Fire), Weather Report (Mysterious Traveller), Jean-Luc Ponty (Imaginary Voyage), Soft Machine (Volume Two), Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso (Darwin!) & John Scofield (East Meets West).
Mahavishnu Orchestra was een fusion- en jazzrockgroep die actief was in de jaren 70 en 80. Leider van de band was gitarist “Mahavishnu” John McLaughlin en de leden van het eerste uur waren Billy Cobham (drums), Rick Laird (basgitaar), Jan Hammer (toetsen) en Jerry Goodman (viool).
Prog Archives review: “Mahavishnu Orchestra’s second effort, Birds of Fire saw the band continue on the raw energy of Inner Mounting Flame. However, the textures are more defined this time around.… Read more...