ROCK ON! Radio bridging the 6O and the 70s *** Fire, feat. Dave Lambert [The Magic Shoemaker – NEW release], Jon Savage’s Rock Dreams On 45, Head Over Heels, The Albert, Humble Pie, Mike Heron *** Wednesday 22 Sept. 2021 *** [Ed-S Show, 2021-18, no. 34]
ROCK ON! Fire, feat. Dave Lambert [The Magic Shoemaker – NEW release], Jon Savage’s Rock Dreams On 45 [Mitch Ryder, John Kongos, Faces, MC5, etc.], Head Over Heels, The Albert, Humble Pie, Mike Heron *** Repeated: Tintern Abbey [NEW], Quiver, Big Bertha, Smoke Stack Crumble, Chris Farlowe and The Hill, Cochise, The Fugs *** Wednesday 21 September 2021, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET *** (2021-18, no. 34) ***
*** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***
Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.
- 1200 Fire, Head Over Heels, 1969-1971 on 45s, The Albert
- 14.00 Tintern Abbey, Quiver, Cochise, Big Bertha, Fugs
- 16.00 Fire, Head Over Heels, 1969-1971 on 45s, The Albert
- 18.00 Tintern Abbey, Quiver, Cochise, Big Bertha, Fugs
- 20.00 Fire, Head Over Heels, 1969-1971 on 45s, The Albert
- 22.00 Tintern Abbey, Quiver, Cochise, Big Bertha, Fugs
- 24.00 Show Ends Here
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