Keepers Of the Blues Flame *** New Releases by Carolyn Wonderland, David Specter, Guy Verlinde, Starlite Campbell Band, Tony Stevens & Older Stuff by Bob Dylan, Foghat, Jimmy Dawkins *** Sunday 21 & Tuesday 23 November 2021 *** [Ed’s SHow, no 12, 2021]

NEW SHOW: New Stuff by Carolyn Wonderland, David Specter, Guy Verlinde, Starlite Campbell Band, Tony Stevens & Older Stuff by Bob Dylan [1965], Foghat [1975], Jimmy Dawkins [1969], TheKinks [1964] *** REPEATED: Jack the Lad [1975], Christine Perfect (approx. 1970], Gallagher & Lyle [1977], Taste, Free, Juicy Luicy [1969] and Newcomers Alex Lopez, Debbie Bond, Andy Cohen, A Murder in Mississippi *** Sunday 21 November 2021, 12:00 noon till 04:00 in the morning & Tuesday 23 November 2021, 12 noon till 12 midnight *** Time Zone CET Brussels, Paris, Berlin *** [2021-12]
De ouwe rotten in het vak die nog altijd goed bezig zijn en jongere artiesten die de fakkel brandend houden.
The veterans who are still going strong & the newcomers who keep the blues flame burning.… Read more...