My Generation 60s Radio *** Beat from Sweden, Cliff & The Shadows Live in Belgium 1964, The Beau Brummels, Steppenwolf, Chuck Berry Live in Belgium 1965, Aynsley Dunbar, The Staple Singers *** Sunday 14 & Tuesday 16 November 2021 *** [Ed’s Show, 2021-45]

NEW SHOW: Beat from Sweden, Cliff & The Shadows Live in Belgium 1964, Steppenwolf, Chuck Berry Live in Belgium 1965, Aynsley Dunbar, The Staple Singers*** REPEATED  *** The Beau Brummels, The Frankfurt Scene, Privilege / The Soul Survivors, Radio Sutch Special with Deep Purple co-founder Nick Simper  ***  Sunday 14 November + Tuesday 16 November , 12:00 noon till 24:00 *** Time: CET Brussels ***  Ed’s Show, 2021-45 ***

RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties ***



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Showtime CETime Brussels

  • 12.00 Cliff, Chuck Berry, Staple Singers, Swedish Beat
  • 14.00 Beau Brummels,  Soul Survivors, Nick Simper (Radio Sutch)
  • 16.00 Cliff, Chuck Berry, Staple Singers, Swedish Beat
  • 18.00 Beau Brummels,  Soul Survivors, Nick Simper (Radio Sutch)
  • 20.00 Cliff, Chuck Berry, Staple Singers, Swedish Beat
  • 22.00 Beau Brummels,  Soul Survivors, Nick Simper (Radio Sutch)
  • 24.00  [ENDS HERE ON TUESDAY] 
  • 24.00 Cliff, Chuck Berry, Staple Singers, Swedish Beat
  • 02.00 Beau Brummels,  Soul Survivors, Nick Simper (Radio Sutch)


NEW SHOWS 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 & 24:00 hrs CET 

01 MY GENERATION: SPECIAL: CLIFF & THE SHADOWS Live at Le Forum, Liège, Belgium, 08 May 1964.… Read more...

Radio 68 Special: Peace * Vrede * Paix * Paz * Pau * Frieden * Monday 08 & Monday 15 November 2021 *** B.B. King, Mungo Jerry, Miek & Roel, Boudewijn de Groot, The Holmes Bros., Vanilla Fudge, Donovan And Many More ***

NEW SHOW : Peace * Vrede * Paix * Paz * Pau * Frieden ***  Monday 08 Nov., 12 noon till 04:00 + Monday 15 Nov., 12:00 noon till 24:00 ***  Time: CET Brussels ******

RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties ***




Showtime CETime Brussels

The PEACE special starts at 12:00 CET  (Brussels, Paris)/ 11 a.m. GMT (London), and is repeated every two hours :  

  • 12:00  *  14:00 * 16:00 * 18:00 * 20:00 * 22: 00
  • 24:00 [Show ends here]


MY GENERATION PEACE SPECIAL: PEACE [12:00, 14:00, 16:00 hrs, etcetera]
Joe Cocker + Pete Seeger + Peter & Gordon + The Flies + The Chambers Brothers + The Ro-d-Ys + The Motions + After Tea + Boudewijn De Groot  +  Erik Van Malder  + Armand  + Dimitri Van Toren + Miek & Roel & Roland + Donovan + Barbara Dane + Henry Flynt and The Insurrections + The Searchers.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – Common Ground (Week 46)

Big Big Train (BBT) is een onafhankelijke progressieve rockband, opgericht in 1990. De band is gevestigd in Bournemouth, Engeland, en de kernleden zijn songwriter Greg Spawton, producer Andy Poole, en zanger David Longdon.

Joshua Batten van Sonic Perspectives: “                  

Rock On! Wednesday, 10 November -Il Rovescio Della Medaglia, Campo Di Marte, Locanda Delle Fate, Acqua Fragile & Picchio Dal Pozzo

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Il Rovescio Della Medaglia (Contaminazione), Campo Di Marte (Campo Di Marte), Locanda Delle Fate (Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più), Acqua Fragile (Acqua Fragile), De De Lind (Io Non So Da Dove Vengo E Non So Dove Mai Andrò. Uomo È Il Nome Che Mi Han Dato) & Picchio Dal Pozzo (Picchio Dal Pozzo).

Il Rovescio Della Medaglia is altijd een beetje een buitenbeentje geweest in vergelijking met veel andere Italiaanse bands. Aanvankelijk begon de groep als hardrockband en pas bij het inlijven van een toetsenist en het uitbrengen van Contaminazione in 1973 werd de symfonische grandeur gevonden die de Italiaanse prog zo vaak kenmerkt.… Read more...