Art Rock Show – Paradis Posthumes (Week 38)

De Zwitserse rockband Galaad bracht na een afwezigheid van meer dan 20 jaar een nieuw en fantastich mooi album uit. Na heel wat positieve kritieken, keert de band nu terug met hun vierde studio album getiteld “Paradis Posthumes”. Het album werd uitgebracht op het Lokita Records label.
Prog Archives review: “Galaad is releasing its 4th CD at the start of the year; after founding in 1988, dissolving and reuniting they may have found their musical Nirvana with age. I say no more because I have already reviewed their penultimate! Keyboards, Moog, guitar solos and expressive vocals in French, aggressive lyrics about man’s eternal struggle against his destiny, flirting with prog metal, grunge and finally crossover with reminiscences progressive 80 ‘; an epic metallic sound, pop at times and an amazing groove atmosphere.… Read more...