Sixties Albums Only Radio *** Long-playtime with B.B. King [Live At The Regal], Alexis Korner [Red Hot From Alex], Junior Wells [Chicago, The Blues Today], The Electric Flag [Long Time Coming], Blodwyn Pig [Ahead Rings Out]*** Monday14 June 2021 *** [Ed’s Show 2021-18]

NEW SHOW : B.B. King [Live At The Regal, entire album], Alexis Korner [Red Hot From Alex], Junior Wells [Chicago, The Blues Today], The Electric Flag [Long Time Coming], Blodwyn Pig (Ahead Rings Out] *** REPEATED SHOW : Led Zeppelin [entire 2nd LP], Shocking Blue, John Mayall [Empty Rooms], Cream [Wheels Of Fire] ***

Monday 07 June 2021, 12:00 noon till  04:00 in the morning *** Time Zone CET Brussels, Paris, Berlin *** [2021-18, no. 179 =( 2020-15)] *** *** RADIO 68: ALL THE REVOLUTIONARY SOUNDS AND VOICES THAT SHAPED THE SIXTIES ***


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Showtime CETime Brussels 

  • 12:00 B.B. King, Alexis Korner, Electric Flag, Junior Wells
  • 14:00 Led Zep II entire album, Shocking Blue, John Mayall, Cream
  • 16:00 B.B.

My Generation 60s Radio Show: Bob Brunning Special feat. Peter Green, Jo-Ann Kelly, Fleetwood Mac, Savoy Brown, Five’s Company *** Sunday 13 & Tuesday 15 June 2021 *** [Ed’s Show, 2021-23]

NEW SHOW: Bob Brunning Special feat. Peter Green, Jo-Ann Kelly, Fleetwood Mac, Savoy Brown, Five’s Company, And Many More ***  REPEATED ***  Psych from Nashville [Aardvark, Tres, The Mad Tea Party], The Jellybean Bandits, Nick Simper Special [Deep Purple, Marsha Hunt, Johnny Kidd & Pirates] ***  Sunday 13 June 2021, 12 noon till 04:00 + Tuesday 15 June 2021, 12:00 noon till 24:00 *** Time: CET Brussels ***  Ed’s Show, 2021-23 [2019-01] ***

RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties ***



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Showtime CETime Brussels

  • 12.00 Bob Brunning with Savoy Brown, Peter Green, Jo-Ann Kelly And Many More
  • 14.00 Pscyh from Nashville, Jellybean Bandits, Nick Simper
  • 16.00 Bob Brunning with Savoy Brown, Peter Green, Jo-Ann Kelly And Many More
  • 18.00 Pscyh from Nashville, Jellybean Bandits, Nick Simper
  • 20.00 Bob Brunning with Savoy Brown, Peter Green, Jo-Ann Kelly And Many More
  • 22.00 Pscyh from Nashville, Jellybean Bandits, Nick Simper
  • 24.00  [ENDS HERE ON TUESDAY] 
  • 24.00 Bob Brunning with Savoy Brown, Peter Green, Jo-Ann Kelly And Many More
  • 02.00 Pscyh from Nashville, Jellybean Bandits, Nick Simper


NEW SHOWS 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 & 24:00 hrs CET 

LOVE & PEACE  The Fugs: Kill For Peace
FORGOTTEN & OVERLOOKED The Cowsills, The Cousins, The Contours.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END! (Week 24)

G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END! is het zevende album van de Canadese post-rockband Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Frank Provoost omschreef het album in het NRC Handelsblad als een “anarchistische oorlogsverklaring”…

Tobias Cobbaert van Indie Style: “De Canadese postrocklegendes weten namelijk als geen ander de angst én de schoonheid van het einde der tijden te vatten. De albumtitel ‘G_d’s pee AT STATE’S END!’ lijkt alvast perfect gekozen. Tegelijk een doembericht over het einde van onze staatsstructuren als een kinderachtig woordgrapje over pipi. In het digitale tijdperk gaan we al shitpostend ten onder.

Eigenlijk was een groot deel van dit nieuwe materiaal al in 2019 live te horen en werd het dus niet specifiek gecomponeerd als soundtrack voor onze huidige situatie, maar de timing is toch heel mooi meegenomen.… Read more...

Rock On! Wednesday, 9 June – Eldorado (ELO, Ambrosia, Supertramp, Barclay James Harvest & Styx)

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday December 23rd. Dan’s pick of the week: ELO (Eldorado: A Symphony by the Electric Light Orchestra), Ambrosia (Ambrosia), Supertramp (Even in the Quietest Moments…), Barclay James Harvest (Live) & Styx (The Grand Illusion).

Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) werd in 1971 in Birmingham opgericht door Roy Wood, Jeff Lynne en Bev Bevan en kwam voort uit The Move. De groep gebruikte instrumenten als de cello en de viool om ‘klassieker’ te klinken…

Classic Rock Review: “Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) made a huge leap forward with Eldorado, the first complete concept album by the group. Rich melodies with various rock and classical influences made this album highly accessible and well received by mainstream audiences making this ELO’s commercial break through.… Read more...