Art Rock Show – Canvas Two (Week 32)

Alessandro di Benedetti is een getalenteerde Romeinse toetsenist van de rockband Mad Crayon en die ook onder de naam Inner Prospekt een aantal solo albums heeft gemaakt. De muziek van Inner Prospekt blinkt uit in mooie keyboard texturen.
Naast Inner Prospekt met Canvas Two, Chris (Days of Summer Gone), Il Paradiso Degli Orchi (Il Corponauta), Mad Crayon (Preda), Professor Tip Top (Life Is No Matter) & Crystal Palace (Scattered Shards).
Prog Archives review: “Is it a lucky bag somehow? Anyway, this song collection brilliantly works. While he’s playing keyboards and drums on that album, the guitar duties are mastered by Rafael Pacha, Carmine Capasso, and also Federico Tetti. The latter is member of Mad Crayon fame, a band Alessandro is also playing with. What a pleasant album to listen.… Read more...