My Generation 60s Radio Show: Traffic at the BBC, Dave Mason, The Searchers, The Paupers, British Blues Boom 1966-1969 *** Sunday 13 & Tuesday 15 December 2020 *** [Ed’s Show, 2020-50]

NEW SHOW : Traffic at the BBC, Dave Mason, The Searchers, The Paupers, British Blues Boom 1966-1969 *** Repeated: Wynder K. Frog, Michael Bloomfield, Paul Butterfield & Friends, Climax Blues Band, Wilson Pickett ***  Sunday 13 December, 12 noon till 04:00 + Tuesday 15 December, 12:00 noon till 24:00 ***  Time: CET Brussels ***  Ed’s Show, 2020-50 [=2020-08 & 2020-20] ***

RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties ***




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Showtime CESTime Brussels

  • 12.00 Traffic, Dave Mason, Searchers, British Blues Boom 1966-69
  • 14.00 Wynder K. Frog, Paul Butterfield, Wilson Pickett
  • 16.00 Traffic, Dave Mason, Searchers, British Blues Boom 1966-69
  • 18.00 Wynder K. Frog, Paul Butterfield, Wilson Pickett
  • 20.00 Traffic, Dave Mason, Searchers, British Blues Boom 1966-69
  • 22.00 Wynder K.

Keepers of the Blues Flame Radio: New Albums by Betho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones, Led Zep *** Monday 14 December 2020 *** [Ed’s Show, 2020-05]

NEW SHOW: New Albums by Betho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones, Led Zep *** REPEATED: New Albums by Ron Thompson, Linsey Alexander, Geoff Everett, Micke & Lefty + Ten Years After 1967 ***  Monday 14 December, 12:00 noon till  04:00 in the morning *** Time Zone CET Brussels, Paris, Berlin *** [2020-05)

De ouwe rotten in het vak die nog altijd goed bezig zijn en jongere artiesten die de fakkel brandend houden.
The veterans who are still going strong & the newcomers  who keep the blues flame burning.



Showtime CETime Brussels 


  • 12.00 Betho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones, Led Zep 
  • 14.00 Ron Thompson, Linsey Alexander, Geoff Everett, Micke & Lefty + Ten Years After 1967
  • 16.00 Betho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones, Led Zep 
  • 18.00 Ron Thompson, Linsey Alexander, Geoff Everett, Micke & Lefty + Ten Years After 1967
  • 20.00 Betho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones, Led Zep 
  • 22.00 Ron Thompson, Linsey Alexander, Geoff Everett, Micke & Lefty + Ten Years After 1967
  • 24.00 Betho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones, Led Zep 
  • 02:00 Ron Thompson, Linsey Alexander, Geoff Everett, Micke & Lefty + Ten Years After 1967
  • 04.00 Show Ends Here  


01 NEW SHOWBetho Ieeesus [Brazil], Dom Pipkin, Geoff Everett, Johnny Iguana, Saints & Sinners + Percy Sledge, Paul Jones
Hour 1

BETHO IEESUS: Dancing With the Blue Rabbit, Sun Trip, Brazil, 2020.… Read more...

Art Rock Show – S.E.I. (Week 50)

Het is al een tijdje geleden dat de Italiaanse band La Maschera di Cera, een nieuw album uitbracht. Fabio Zuffanti is de drijvende kracht achter de band en iemand die muzikaal nooit stil zit.

Prog Archives review: “Rock Progressivo Italiano is my favourite prog rock genre and La Maschera Di Cera is my favourite RPI band. So when I have heard about this new album from them I was more excited than ever. And my expectation were highly rewarded. Although this new release is very different from their last release (Le Porte Del Domani) in terms of structure, SEI is equally good and rewarding.

There are only three songs but epic ones, regarding the lenght, the shorter one being 10 minutes long and the first is about 22 minutes long.… Read more...

Rock On! Wednesday, 9 december – Acquiring The Taste (Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Triangle, Panta Rei)

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday December 9th. Dan’s pick of the week: Pink Floyd (Atom Heart Mother), King Crimson (In The Court Of The Crimson King), Triangle (Triangle), Panta Rei (Panta Rei) & Roger Waters; Ron Geesin (Music From The Body).

Op donderdag 1 oktober 1970 bracht EMI de nieuwe Pink Floyd plaat ‘Atom Heart Mother’uit. De LP met die koe op de hoes vormde het begin van een ware koersverandering. Vanaf toen kwam de band met steeds complexere epische prog en werd de psychedelica steeds meer naar de achtergrond geschoven.

Dick van der Heijde van Prog Wereld: “De mannen van Pink Floyd, de pioniers, hadden het in hun vingers, met name Roger Waters was behoorlijk bedreven geraakt in het manipuleren van de opnameband.… Read more...