Art Rock Show – Sadako e le mille gru di carta (Week 33)

De Italiaanse band LogoS heeft op 1 juni 2020 haar nieuwe album uitgebracht. De vorige plaat uit 2014 was al een behoorlijke klepper en de mannen van LogoS hebben ook nu weer hun beste beentje voorgezet.

Prog Archives review: “This may very well be the best album that was released in the year 2020. I hoped, but didn’t really expect, that Logos could top their fabulous album from 2014 named L’enigma della vita. But they do. What an album this is! There is one hour of great music on the album, completely without lowpoints. It starts on a high note, and goes out with on a high note. Their style and influences are well grounded in the proud and grand tradition of italian progressive rock. You will instantly hear influences from Le Orme and Banco del mutuo soccorso, although Logos is on the more rockier side of those two bands.… Read more...

Rock On! Wednesday, 12 august – Anyway (Family, Traffic, Cream, Spooky Tooth)

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday August 12th. Dan’s pick of the week: Family (Anyway), Traffic (The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys), Cream (Live Cream Vol. 1), Ten Years After (Cricklewood Green), Groundhogs (Thank Christ For The Bomb) & Spooky Tooth (Spooky Two).

Family was een van de grootste en meest originele Britse rockgroepen van de late jaren ’60, begin jaren ’70. Toch zijn ze voor het grootste deel vergeten nooit het respect gekregen dat ze verdienden. Bij deze willen we dat hier rechtzetten…

Dave Furgess van Head Heritage: “Those who witnessed Family live were simply awestruck by the group’s manic intensity of which Chapman was clearly the focal point. Side one of “Anyway” is a full side of then new material recorded live in Croydon.… Read more...

My Generation 60s radio show *** Specials: Keef Hartley, Rory Storm & The Hurricanes, Artwoods + Pearls Before Swine,Tom Rapp *** Sunday 09 & Tuesday 11 August 2020 *** [Ed’s Show, 2020-32]

NEW SHOW: Pearls Before Swine, Tom Rapp, Keef Hartley + Rory Storm, The Scorpions, Bonnie Dobson, Ted Taylor, Nina Simone *** Repeated:  The Liberty Bell, Zoot Money, The Everly Bros., Rare British R&B with The Kinks, The Remo Four, The Rats   ***  Sunday  09 August, 12 noon till 04:00 + Tuesday 11 August 2020, 12:00 noon till 24:00 ***  Time: CEST Brussels ***  Ed’s Show, 2020-32 ***

RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties ***



Showtime CESTime Brussels

  • 12.00  Pearls Before Swine, Tom Rapp, Keef Hartley
  • 14.00  The Liberty Bell, Zoot Money, The Everly Bros., Rare British R&B with The Kinks, The Remo Four 
  • 16.00  Pearls Before Swine, Tom Rapp, Keef Hartley
  • 18.00  The Liberty Bell, Zoot Money, The Everly Bros.,

Keepers of the Blues Flame radio show with Chick Willis, Chris Youlden & The Slammers, Savoy Brown, Shawn Pitman, Johnny Rawls, Vanja Sky, Jim Gustin & Truth Jones *** Monday 10 August 2020 *** [Ed’s Show, 2020-03]

NEW SHOW: Chuck Willis, Chris Youlden & The Slammers, Savoy Brown, Shawn Pitman, Johnny Rawls, Vanja Sky, Whitney Shay, *** REPEATED: Jeff Beck, The Ropes, P.J. Bolger, Jimmy Johsnon,  José Ramirez, Tomislav Goluban  ***  Monday 10 August, 12:00 noon till  04:00 in the morning *** Time Zone CET Brussels, Paris, Berlin *** [2020-03)

De ouwe rotten in het vak die nog altijd goed bezig zijn en jongere artiesten die de fakkel brandend houden.
The veterans who are still going strong & the newcomers  who keep the blues flame burning.



Showtime CETime Brussels 

  • 12.00 Chick Willis, Chris Youlden, Savoy Brown, Shawn Pitman, Johnny Rawls, Vanja Sky
  • 14.00 Jeff Beck, Jimmy Johnson, The Ropes, José Ramirez, Tomislav Goluban
  • 16.00 Chick Willis, Chris Youlden, Savoy Brown, Shawn Pitman, Johnny Rawls, Vanja Sky
  • 18.00 Jeff Beck, Jimmy Johnson, The Ropes, José Ramirez, Tomislav Goluban
  • 20.00 Chick Willis, Chris Youlden, Savoy Brown, Shawn Pitman, Johnny Rawls, Vanja Sky
  • 22.00 Jeff Beck, Jimmy Johnson, The Ropes, José Ramirez, Tomislav Goluban
  • 24.00 Chick Willis, Chris Youlden, Savoy Brown, Shawn Pitman, Johnny Rawls, Vanja Sky
  • 02:00 Jeff Beck, Jimmy Johnson, The Ropes, José Ramirez, Tomislav Goluban
  • 04.00 Show Ends Here 


Whitney Shay: Stand Up, Ruf, 2020.…