Art Rock Show – Four Sides (Week 07)

Monarch Trail is een Canadees symfonisch progressief rockproject onder leiding van multi-instrumentalist en zanger Ken Baird, bestaande uit Dino Verginella op bas en Chris Lamont op drums. Er zijn ook gastoptredens op gitaar door Kelly Kereliuk en Steve Cochrane.
David Edwards van Prog Radar: “Four Sides is their impressive fourth release and, in my opinion, manages to not only match the quality of their previous album Wither Down, but brings it up several notches more.
Deliberately recalling the classic days of the double vinyl album, with each side having its own distinct character, and the space to fully develop musical themes (such as ‘Tales of Topographic Oceans’ perhaps?) – this is classic, keyboard-led progressive rock but with a distinctive signature sound and modern-edge that the band have cultivated since 2014.… Read more...