My Generation *** The Searchers [new release]; Remo Four; Johnny Sandon; Shake That Thing – Blues In Britain [new release], Howlin’ Wolf, Ten Years After *** Sunday 05 & Tuesday 07 November 2023 *** [Ed’s Show, 2023-34]

REPEATED *** Brumrock with Traffic, Chicken Shack, Ace Kefford, World of Oz, Denny Laine, Bakerloo, Rockin’ Berries & More *** Sunday 05 November 2023  12:00 > 04:00 hrs & Tuesday 07 November 2023  12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET *** RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties **

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Showtime CETime Brussels

  • 12.00 The Searchers; Blues in Britain 1963-1973; Ten Years After, Howlin’ Wolf
  • 14.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chicken Shack
  • 16.00 The Searchers; Blues in Britain 1963-1973; Ten Years After, Howlin’ Wolf
  • 18.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chicken Shack
  • 20.00 The Searchers; Blues in Britain 1963-1973; Ten Years After, Howlin’ Wolf
  • 22.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chicken Shack
  • 24.00 The Searchers; Blues in Britain 1963-1973; Ten Years After, Howlin’ Wolf
  • 02.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chicken Shack



01 MY GENERATION 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 and 02:00 hrs CET:

THE SEARCHERS Blowin’ in the Wind [Live at the BBC].… Read more...

Art Rock Show – The Beggar (Week 44)

De New Yorkse rockband Swans maakte deel uit van de oorspronkelijke No Wave-scene aan het begin van de jaren 80 en is sindsdien uitgegroeid tot een van de meest gerespecteerde experimentele rockgroepen van dit moment. Onder leiding van de visionaire zanger, multi-instrumentalist en songwriter Michael Gira.

The Guardian review: “However, their 16th album shows that the old intensity hasn’t deserted them, it just comes in different forms, as suggested by opener The Parasite, which builds from a gentle acoustic guitar to a cacophony of quiet noise.

Written in what Gira calls the “strange disorientation” of lockdown, the prevailing atmosphere on The Beggar is one of unsettling, claustrophobic unease, as the drawling 69-year-old contemplates life and mortality. “Am I ready to die?” he asks on the naggingly hypnotic Paradise is Mine, reversing the question for the ominous title track to wonder: “When will I finally learn to live?”… Read more...

Rock On! Wednesday, 1 November 2023 – Hoelderlin, Peter Bursch und die Bröselmaschine., Emtidi, Grobschnitt & Rufus Zuphall

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s –  Wednesday August 12th.  Dan’s pick of the week: Hoelderlin (Hölderlins Traum), Peter Bursch und die Bröselmaschine (I Feel Fine), Emtidi (Saat), Grobschnitt (Solar Music Live) & Rufus Zuphall (Weiß Der Teufel).

De eerste helft van de jaren zeventig waren erg dynamisch voor de West-Duitse muziek. Krautrock was al een genre geworden en rond 1973 begonnen verschillende bands al dan niet geinspireerd door Britse voorbeelden, ook hun eerste stappen in de symfonische rock te zetten.
Wouter Brunner van Prog Wereld: “Hölderlin, toen nog met een umlaut geschreven, werd in 1970 opgericht door de broers Grumbkow en de uit Wassenaar afkomstige kunstenares Nanny de Ruig. Met een zeskoppige band en daarnaast nog een drietal gastmuzikanten kwam het debuut “Hölderlins Traum” tot stand.

My Generation 60s Radio ***Brumrock with Traffic, Chicken Shack, Ace Kefford, World of Oz, Denny Laine, Bakerloo, Rockin’ Berries & More *** Sunday 29 & Tuesday 31 October 2023 *** [Ed’s Show, 2023-33]

REPEATED *** Radio Sutch presents R&B with Savages Brian Keith aka O’Shea and Paul Raymond: Plastic Penny, Chicken Shack, Screaming Lord Sutch PLUS Adam Faith, Lowell Fulson, Antoine  *** Sunday 29 October 24 2023  12:00 > 04:00 hrs & Tuesday 31 October 2023  12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET *** RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties **

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Showtime CETime Brussels

  • 12.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chcken Shack
  • 14.00 Radio Sutch presents R&B with…
  • 16.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chcken Shack
  • 18.00 Radio Sutch presents R&B with…
  • 20.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chcken Shack
  • 22.00 Radio Sutch presents R&B with…
  • 24.00 Brumrock: Bakerloo, Ace Kefford, Denny Laine, Traffic, Chcken Shack
  • 02.00 Radio Sutch presents R&B with…



01 MY GENERATION 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 and 02:00 hrs CET