Rock On! Wednesday, 13 december 2023 – Nektar, Faust, Curved Air, Wishbone Ash & Greenslade

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday August 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Nektar (Remember the Future), Faust (Faust IV), Curved Air (Phantasmagoria), Wishbone Ash (Argus) & Greenslade (Greenslade Live).
Remember the Future is het vierde album van de Engelse progressieve rockband Nektar. Net als hun debuutalbum Journey to the Centre of the Eye is het een conceptalbum dat formeel is opgedeeld in tien tracks, maar in feite uit één doorlopend stuk muziek bestaat.
Prog Archives review: “Remember The Future is another superior concept piece from Nektar exhibiting yet further progression from their roots. Gone are the heavy and psychedelic Germanic riffs, intricate musicianship and complex Symphonic Prog structures, to be replaced by a more song based mainstream ‘Americanized’ sound.