ROCK ON! with The Move [new release]; Atomic Rooster; 5th Ball Gang; Stackridge; Mick Abrahams Band; The New Riders of the Purple Sage; American Power Pop *** Wednesday 06 December 2023 *** [Ed’s Show, 2023-24]

ROCK ON! *** REPEATED *** Wizzard, The Move, Russ Ballard, Baker Gurvitz Army, The Gun, The Hollies, Roger Chapman & The Shortlist, Edgar Broughton Band *** Wednesday  06 December 2023, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET  *** (2023-24, no. 91]

*** Radio 68: psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds  spanning the late sixties and the early seventies *** Ed’s choice ***



Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight  *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.

The Move, Atomic Rooster, 5th Ball Gang, American Power Pop, Stackridge, Nick Lowe, Vacation, New Riders of the Purple Sage
14.00 Wizzard, The Move, Russ Ballard, Baker Gurvitz Army, The Gun
The Move, Atomic Rooster, 5th Ball Gang, American Power Pop, Stackridge; Nick Lowe, Vacation, New Riders of the Purple Sage
18.00 Wizzard, The Move, Russ Ballard, Baker Gurvitz Army, The Gun
The Move, Atomic Rooster, 5th Ball Gang, American Power Pop, Stackridge, Nick Lowe, Vacation, New Riders of the Purple Sage
22.00 Wizzard, The Move, Russ Ballard, Baker Gurvitz Army, The Gun
24.00  Show Ends Here

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Long-playtime *** 60s Albums Only *** Elephant’s Memory; The CowsilLs; DDDBM&TICH; Quicksilver Messenger Service; The Carpenters; P.J. Proby; The New Vaudeville band; The Shoes [NL] *** Monday 04 December 2023 *** [Ed’s Show, 2023-42]

Monday 04 December 27 November 2023,  12:00 noon till  04:00 in the morning *** Time Zone CET Brussels, Paris, Berlin *** [2023-42, no. 283]



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Showtime CETime Brussels 

  • 12:00
    Elephant’s Memory; The Cowsils; DDDBM&TICH; Quicksilver Messenger Service; The Carpenters; P.J. Proby; The New Vaudeville band; The Shoes [NL]
  • 14:00 West Coast Pop Art; Ars Nova, 13th Floor Elevators, After Tea
  • 16:00
    Elephant’s Memory; The Cowsils; DDDBM&TICH; Quicksilver Messenger Service; The Carpenters; P.J. Proby; The New Vaudeville band; The Shoes [NL]
  • 18:00 West Coast Pop Art; Ars Nova, 13th Floor Elevators, After Tea
  • 20:00
    Elephant’s Memory; The Cowsils; DDDBM&TICH; Quicksilver Messenger Service; The Carpenters; P.J.

My Generation *** La Escapada OST [Peppino di Capri, Los Finder’s & Alex y sus Findes]; Joey Dee & The Starliters; John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers [Live 1967, vol. 3; new release]; Freddie King; The Naturals; Arthur Brown; Eddie Harris & Les McCann *** Sunday 03 & Tuesday 05 December 2023 *** [Ed’s Show, 2023-37]

REPEATED *** Some People OST with Jet Harris, Valerie Mountain; Mod Sounds; Downliners Sect rare EP; Albert King 1968; The World of Keith Richards ***

Sunday 03 December 2023  12:00 > 04:00 hrs & Tuesday 05 Decemb er  2023  12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET *** RADIO 68: all the revolutionary sounds and voices that shaped the sixties **

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SHOWTIME CETime Brussels-Paris-Berlin

  • 12.00
    John  Mayall Live 1967, La Escapada OST feat. Peppino di Capri,  Alex y sus Findes; Joey Dee & The Starliters; Freddie King
  • 14.00 Some People OST, Mod Sounds, Keith Richards, Albert King
  • 16.00
    John  Mayall Live 1967, La Escapada OST feat. Peppino di Capri,  Alex y sus Findes; Joey Dee & The Starliters, Freddie King
  • 18.00 Some People OST, Mod Sounds, Keith Richards, Albert King
  • 20.00
    John  Mayall Live 1967, La Escapada OST feat.

Art Rock Show – Prima Materia (Week 48)

Agusa ontstond in 2013, toen Tobias Petterson en Mikael Ödesjö Dag Strömqvist en Jonas Berge rekruteerden voor een progressief rockproject. Na een handvol optredens in de winter besloot Dag Agusa te verlaten om een tijdje in India rond te reizen. Na een aantal audities sloot Tim Wallander zich aan bij de band.

Prog Archives review: “Swedish prog quintet Agusa has returned with their fifth album, Prima Materia, a lush collection of (mostly) instrumental psychedelic rock tunes. This record was my introduction to the band and their unique tonalities that ostensibly wave the prog and psyche banners. But what made this album so engaging and ultimately so successful to me were the incorporation of folk, symphonic prog, jazz, pop, and a host of world music melodies into a cohesive and enjoyable listening experience.… Read more...