ROCK ON! Radio Show bridging the 60s and the 70s: The Rolling Stones (special Goat’s Head Soup rerelease), Turnquist Remedy, Chris Farlowe with The Hill, Lindisfarne, Lou Reed *** Wednesday 18 Nov. 2020 *** [Ed’s Show, 2020-)13]

ROCK ON! The Rolling Stones (special Goat’s Head Soup 2020 remix, Alternate Mixes, Rarities), Turnquist Remedy, Chris Farlowe with The Hill, Lindisfarne, Lou Reed *** Repeated: The Rolling Stones [Exile On Main St.], Mungo Jerry, Stone The Crows [Montreux], Medicine Head [50th Anniversary], Mott the Hoople [Mott], The Who, Cockney Rebel *** Wednesday 18 November, 12:00 > 24:00 hrs CET *** (2020-13) ***
Radio 68: All the innovating sounds spanning the late sixties and the early seventies ***
Showtime CET Brussels 12 noon > 12 midnight *** GMT London 11 a.m. > 11 p.m.
- 1200 The Rolling Stones (special Goat’s Head Soup rerelease), Turnquist Remedy, Chris Farlowe with The Hill, Lindisfarne, Lou Reed
- 14.00 Stones, Mungo Jerry, Stone the Crows, Medicine Head, Mott, Who, Cockney Rebel
- 16.00 The Rolling Stones (special Goat’s Head Soup rerelease), Turnquist Remedy, Chris Farlowe with The Hill, Lindisfarne, Lou Reed
- 18.00 Stones, Mungo Jerry, Stone the Crows, Medicine Head, Mott, Who, Cockney Rebel
- 20.00 The Rolling Stones (special Goat’s Head Soup rerelease), Turnquist Remedy, Chris Farlowe with The Hill, Lindisfarne, Lou Ree
- 22.00 Stones, Mungo Jerry, Stone the Crows, Medicine Head, Mott, Who, Cockney Rebel
- 24.00 Show Ends Here
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NEW SHOW : The Rolling Stones (special Goat’s Head Soup rerelease), Turnquist Remedy, Chris Farlowe with The Hill
THE ROLLING STONES Goat’s Head Soup, originally 1973, 2020 Reissue, cd1 Giles Martin 2020 Remix.
CHRIS FARLOWE with THE HILL American single + From Here To Mama Rosa, 2010 cd reissue.
TURNQUIST REMEDY Iowa by the Sea, LP, 1970, B-side.
THE ROLLING STONES Goat’s Head Soup, originally 1973, 2020 Reissue, cd2 Rarities and Alternate Mixes, [Scarlet feat. Jimmy Page, All the Rage, 100 Years Ago piano demo, Dancing with Mr. D instrumental, Criss Cross]
LINDISFARNE Fog On the Tyne, LP, 1971.
LOU REED Lou Reed, LP, 1972.
AND ALSO: PEACE & LOVE Turnquist Remedy: Just A Number + FREE SPEECH: Red Shadows, Pete Seeger & Tom Paxton

2 REPEATED SHOW : THE ROLLING STONES: Exile on Main St., 2LP, 1972.
MUNGO JERRY In the Summertime, 1970, cd reissue.
STONE THE CROWS Live in Montreux 1972, choice tracks.
MEDICINE HEAD New Bottles, Old Medicine, originally 1970, 2cd with onuses reissue, 2020.
MOTT THE HOOPLE Mott, LP, 1973 + 2006 cd reissue.
THE WHO Live At The Isle Of Wight, 1970.
COCKNEY REBEL; LP, Psychomodo.
AND ALSO: PEACE & LOVE The Beatles + FREE SPEECH Angela Davis
THANKS TO Cherry Red for Medicine Head

The sixties didn’t end on 31 December 1968, quite on the contrary: the last few years of the 60s saw the emergence of sounds that faded into the seventies, setting new patterns for the years to come.
The music became heavier, more complex and experimental – drawing on unexpected sources such as avant-garde and classical. Simultaneously, more space was allowed for truly idiosyncratic projects, ranging from the intimate (Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance) to the extravagant (Jon Lord’s ‘Gemini Suite’).
This metamorphosis of pop into rock also triggered many established acts to reinvent themselves – think The Rolling Stones.
ROCK ON! features psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late sixties and the early seventies.
Broadcast on Wednesdays, ROCK ON! is presented in turns by Dan and Ed, showcasing their particular tastes.

De jaren zestig eindigden niet op 31 december 1968, wel integendeel. Tijdens de laatste paar jaar van de sixties braken immers innoverende geluiden door – geluiden die in de jaren zeventig overvloeiden en gaandeweg het muziekpatroon voor de daarop volgende jaren uitstippelden.
Die muziek klonk zwaarder, harder, vertoonde complexe structuren en omarmde het experiment – inclusief uit onverwachte bronnen zoals klassiek en avant-garde. Tegelijk was er voldoende ruimte voor hoogstpersoonlijke projecten, gaande van intiem (Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance) tot extravagant werk (‘Gemini Suite’ van Jon Lord).
De gedaanteverwisseling van Pop naar Rock noopte heel wat vaste waarden tot herbronning – denk aan The Rolling Stones.
In ROCK ON ! draaien we psychedelische, heavy, progressieve en meer vernieuwende geluiden die het eind van de sixties en het begin van de seventies omspannen.
ROCK ON! wordt uitgezonden op woensdag. De samenstelling is beurtelings in handen van Dan en Ed, die er hun eigen toets aan geven.
Dan & Ed
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