Rock On! Wednesday, 24 November – Fuzzy Duck, Kin Ping Meh, Night Sun, Zior & Wallenstein

Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late 60s and the early 70s – Wednesday September 15th. Dan’s pick of the week: Fuzzy Duck (Fuzzy Duck), Kin Ping Meh (Kin Ping Meh), Night Sun (Mournin’), Zior (Before My Eyes Go Blind) & Wallenstein (Mother Universe).
Fuzzy Duck. Een coole naam en een nog coolere albumhoes (40 jaar geleden). Dit is een van de vele bands uit die tijd die slechts een enkel album uitbracht en daarna van het toneel verdween. Zwaar leunend op het geluid van het Hammond orgel, had hun titelloze album alle elementen om de liefhebbers van het genre te plezieren, en vertegenwoordigde zo waardig de Britse prog rock scene van de jaren 70. Mick Hawksworth (bas) en co. gingen uit elkaar slechts 18 maanden na de oprichting van de band, waardoor sommigen van ons zich afvragen waarom deze veelbelovende band de tand des tijds niet heeft doorstaan.
Sputnik Music review: “Generally speaking, this is an album full of groovy parts and energetic tempo changes. You can sense this as soon as the inaugural notes of ‘’Time Will Be Your Doctor’’ get to your ears. As it unfolds you understand that this one is in the elite of the good songs of the album. From a technical perspective I think ‘’Mrs. Prout’’ is one of the highlights over here. The way the band converts from a jazzy rhythmic section to a progressive one is amazing. What makes it special is the instrumental pandemonium that starts half-way through the song and continues with some magnificent jamming from everyone’s part. (…)
In terms of the average songs, “Just Look Around” seemed to me that the only nice characteristic of it was the chorus, one of the catchiest in the whole album. In this category I would also include “In Our Time” with that somehow-differential instrumental part and lastly “Afternoon Out” which didn’t move me at all. The band chooses to close the album with an instrumental called ‘’A Word from Big D”, and what an innovative and rare way they have chosen to do it: a prolific jamming with the sounds/effects of a duck accompanying the music just to add to the whole “duck” theme.”
Wednesday Wednesday November 24th 2021, 12:00 noon CET Brussels – 11 a.m. GMT London. Repeated: 16:00 & 20:00 hrs CET Brussels, 3 p.m. & 7 p.m. GMT London
Ends: 12 midnight CET Brussels, 11 p.m. GMT London.
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