About Us
WE ARE… Radio 68 is an independent, non-commercial and privately owned internet radio station run by the melomaniac Bonte Bros. Danny & Eddy:
- Danny spins art rock and prog rock;
- Eddy spins sixties, blues, free speech & poetry.
Radio 68 advocates certain types of Music & Word which are seldom or never heard in an environment that only has ears for status, stars and bucks.
Radio 68 wants to keep the memory alive. Radio 68 therefore mainly focuses on rare, overlooked, forgotten, ignored, misjudged, media–banned and non-commercial tunes, genres and artistes. Radio 68 would like its audience to have a good time while remembering, reminiscing and discovering.
Radio 68 does not play the competitive game of rankings, Top That Many, marketing-researched lists or computer-designed averages. We do throw in the occasional smash for good measure.
As a rule, we broadcast blocks of related tracks. We do so in respect of our discriminating listeners and the artists and oeuvre we support.
Radio 68 can be received as follows:
on our website www.radio68.be (start the selected radio player or any of the other radio players provided )
on your audioplayer: WinAmp, Jetaudio, VLC, iTunes, Windows Media Player
Radio 68 is happy to be listed here / Radio 68 vind je nu ook op deze lijst :


We are a 60s Radio Station. Listen here for Radio 68!

Radio 68 is in the Continental European Time [CET] = GMT+1. (Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, etc.)
London & Lisboa are GMT.

The Art Rock & Prog Rock show is compiled by Dan. From Anima Mundi to Frank Zappa, featuring all styles, genres and countries. Thursday to Saturday.

My Generation & My Generation Blueside: all the sounds and all the voices of the sixties, compiled and introduced by Ed. My Generation is a four- hour show broadcast on Sundays and repeated on Tuesdays.
Full albums, album sides or selected album tracks, sixties only! Ed’s Show ‘Langspeeltijd / Long-playtime ‘is a 2-hour show broadcast on Mondays (September 2017 onwards) and repeated on Wednesdays (September 2017-May 2020, replaced by Rock On!)
Psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late sixties and the early seventies. Presented in turns by Dan and Ed on Wednesdays. First show: 20 May 2020.
When fit to broadcast: Keepers of the Blues Flame, Poetry / Poëzie, De Gedachten zijn Vrij / Free Speech
Radio 68 settles copyright fees with copy control agency SABAM, Brussels, www.sabam.be
We consider partners within the policy frame explained under “We Are” and “We Stand For”. Please contact us with your suggestions and plans. See currrent Partners and Friends.
Our first public broadcast was on 13 February 2012 and total broadcasting time was 24 hours/week for two shows: 1) Dan’s Art Rock & Prog Rock and 2) Ed’s My Generation, including Sixties Rave, The Rolling Stones Circus and Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij, incl. poetry.
On 2 January 2013, Radio 68 started to broadcast seven days a week, doubling its schedule to 48 hours. Eventually, The Rolling Stones Circus was dropped.
In November 2013, the two-weekly Dutch poetry show “Dichters in de lucht” was added (but still under the heading “Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij”) .
On 15 January 2014, “Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn”‘ became a separate show broadcast on Wednesdays under the title “Woord op Woensdag / Word on Wednesday”.
On 8 January 2015, Radio 68 underwent a make-over: a new look, improved technical features, more permanent information on the website and an extra 24 broadcasting hours, now totalling 72 hours/week. The shows were diversified, re-arranged and rescheduled to four shows: Art Rock & Prog Rock by Dan; My Generation (including ‘Blueside’), Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij, and Dichters in de Lucht, by Ed.
In September 2017, both “Dichters in de Lucht” and “Free Speech / De Gedachten zijn Vrij” stopped. Instead, Ed launched “Langspeeltijd – Longplaytime” on Mondays and Wednesdays. From that date onwards, both My Generation (incl. Blueside) and “Langspeeltijd – Longplaytime” include Word, Poetry and Free Speech. Radio 68 now boradcasts three shows (see above), totalling 72 hours/week.
On 1 January 2020, 24 hours were added to the schedule, totalling 96 hours/week.
20 May 2020: ROCK ON! in turns presented by Dan and Ed on Wednesdays (in lieu of Long-playtime, henceforth restricted to Mondays), features psychedelic, heavy, prog and more innovating sounds spanning the late sixties and the early seventies. First show: Dan’s pick on 20 May 2020.
Danny & Eddy Bonte
(red. 09Dec2017) (red. 22Dec.2019) (red.09Feb2021)