Eddy’s Music Portfolio
Eddy Bonte, MA, °1949, Belgium (this version: 219Dec2020)
Reviewer, writer, broadcaster. The stress is on sixties, blues, free speech & poetry – particularly overlooked, forgotten, misjudged, banned, non-commercial, etc. artists, genres and music. Plus anything I happen to fancy.
CURRENT RADIO SHOWS on Radio 68 www.radio68.be
01 “My Generation”: a weekly show on Radio 68, www.radio68.be with all the sounds and all the voices of the sixties, including ‘Blueside’ ; Feb. 2012 onwards.
02 “Langspeeltijd” / “Long-playtime”: a weekly show on Radio 68 www.radio68.be, with 60s albums music only; Sept. 2017 onwards.
03 “Rock On!”: the innovating sounds bridging the late 60s and early 70s on ww.radio68.be (every other week, alternating with my brother Dan), May 2020 onwards.
04 “Keepers Of the Blues Flame”: mixing the veterans who are still going strong & the newcomers who keep the blues flame burning (when? when I see it fit …)
Occasional Poetry and Word shows.
01 “The Savage Tree” (Radio Sutch, 2014-2018): https://www.mixcloud.com/TheSavageTree; all the shows I made for Radio Sutch
02 Radio 68 interviews and specials: https://www.mixcloud.com/radio_68/;
Former radio shows
01 “Free Speech”: a weekly show on Radio 68, promoting real freedom of speech through songs, music, stories, poetry, speeches, interviews and more assorted types of Word and music – mixing eras, places, styles and languages (www.radio68.be);
02 “Dichters in de Lucht”: a two-weekly one-hour show of poetry in collaboration with “PoëzieCentrum” (usually in Dutch), www.radio68.be.
03 “The Savage Tree”: an R&B show on the revived UK pirate station Radio Sutch, tracing the roots and branches of Screaming Lord Sutch and all his Savages, 2014-2018 (the station no longer exists, see Mixcloud to listen to all the shows https://www.mixcloud.com/TheSavageTree

01 Blues Matters (UK): contributor / articles and reviews;
02 Keys and Chords: Member of the K&C Team / articles and reviews www.keysandchords.com (BE, in Dutch and English);
03 Back to the Roots magazine and its website www.backtotheroots.be: articles and reviews, member of the editorial board (BE, in Dutch);
04 Website www.eddybonte.be (English, Dutch):
05 Occasional contributor to Shindig! (UK)
Past Writing
01 De Wereld Morgen: an occasional music column related to Radio 68 for Flemish news website www.demorgen.be (in Dutch)
Facebook: nearly 2,200 contacts www.facebook.com/eddy.bonte.98;
Radio 68 facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/613281298696645/
Radio 68 facebook page https://www.facebook.com/radio68Belgium/
Radio 68 Woord facebook pagina https://www.facebook.com/groups/554224954651567/about/
Radio Sutch facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Radio-Sutch-The-Savage-Tree-182878999247974/
I am in charge of this page https://www.facebook.com/theRoulettesUK/?modal=admin_todo_tour
I am not involved in any type management, PR or promotion. Everything I do is a labour of love. Radio 68 does not accept sponsoring, advertisements, subsidies, gifts, etc., but we highly appreciate the co-operation of artists, labels, promoters, venues and managers.

Between 1972 and 2012, I worked in higher education, journalism, PR and communication, specialising in higher education. I started writing about music as a labour of love in the 90s, contributing to various Rolling Stones fanzines in Canada, Germany, Spain, etc. Around the turn of the century, I submitted my first reviews and articles to Flemish magazine’ Back to the Roots’, slowly expanding my work to other publications and media thereafter.
When both my brother Dan and I retired in 2012, we started Radio 68.
My music journalism and broadcasting activities have always been and will remain a labour of love.
(HISTORY: 23 Mch 2015 > 19 Dec 2020)